Teaching the dangers of early/forced child "marriage" to a cohort of TBA,s (traditional birth attendants). As one can see we are using an anatomical model of the pelvis with an under-age girl and trying to push the doll through. This demonstrates very clearly that the girl's pelvis is not yet fully mature or big enough for a full term baby to deliver. This leads to an obstructed labour causing many problems. The young girl/woman will need a Caesarean section operation which takes a long recovery and costs a lot of money which most families will not be able to afford. In the worst case scenario without medical help both mother and baby will not survive. This is a major cause of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality throughout the world in low income countries.
We hope to empower and inspire the TBA,s to become change agents within their own villages since they enjoy great respect and hold high status in the community.